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Our goal is to enhance the links between research and policy, to ensure that the necessary data and insights get across to the people making decisions. We want to empower these decision-makers to recognise and use good evidence, and help experts understand how to influence and affect change.
Overton has built one of the world’s largest searchable indexes of policy documents, think tank publications, working papers and guidelines in a bid to help universities and other research teams measure how their work influences policy-making decisions.
The company is still in its early stages, having been founded in 2019, but it's got an ambitious long term goal of making government policy making, or rather the evidence behind it, more transparent.
Given the fact that Overton has built a pioneering product, and is targeting sales from well-funded universities, NGOs and government agencies, its prospects are pretty bright. The company is focused on refining its software to ensure source coverage, and introducing new features.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Euan Adie
(CEO)Prior to Overton, Euan founded Altmetric, a company that tracks the attention paid to scholarly works online. Altmetric was acquired by Digital Science in 2015.
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Meaningful work (2)
Opportunities to learn (1)
Intelligent people (1)
My opinions are valued (1)
Open and honest communication (1)
People of all backgrounds are welcomed (1)
Innovative product (1)
Clear values (1)
We operate across the policy space, from universities to government via IGOs and think tanks, but our over-arching goal is to increase the transparency of the policymaking process by surfacing the evidence on which policy. We want to turn a profit but we're socially responsible about how we do it.
Sales & Account Management
Clear values
Oct 2022
A great mix of people from different backgrounds: different subjects, different countries and experience in different types of organisations. All keen to help each other out, share ideas and get great stuff done together.
Sales & Account Management
Intelligent people
Oct 2022
Overton is a really well thought-through product. We get great feedback from our users - clients and trial users - and there's nothing else out there that's quite like us. Users regularly tell us how much they enjoy using the product.
Sales & Account Management
Innovative product
Oct 2022
Since joining Overton, I've learned a lot about the sectors we operate in. Our leadership team have been great - open, responsive and proactive about encouraging us to attend events, shadow other team members, learn new skills (both technical and otherwise), and supporting us to define where we want to see our roles grow over the next few years. Very forward thinking and agile company when it comes to supporting their staff to develop further. Highly recommend!
Opportunities to learn
Oct 2022
Our senior leadership team regularly invite and act on feedback from team members. Always accessible to answer queries/sound out ideas. Updates frequently given on how things are going in business-wise, and this open and honest communication defines how our goals are developed as a collective team :)
Open and honest communication
Oct 2022
Evidence use in the development of public policy is so important - it delivers policy that is stronger, more effective and more efficient. Supporting people operating in this space through the provision of our database and the metadata that we extract is a great place to be. Day to day, we can make an impact on the company from the get go, it's clear to see where our roles add value- both to the company itself and the sector as a whole.
Meaningful work
Oct 2022
I find it very motivating to work on a product that is having a positive impact on the world by getting good quality information in front of government policymakers and helping NGOs, researchers and IGOs understand how ideas translate into real world decisions
Operations & Strategy
Meaningful work
Mar 2022
I always feel able to share my opinions and contribute to decisions and my thoughts are always welcomed and encouraged (even if people disagree!). As a small team we all tend to get involved in discussions across the whole organisation, so it's a very collaborative environment where you can get learn about and contribute to areas that don't directly relate to your work
Operations & Strategy
My opinions are valued
Mar 2022
It's a very un-judgmental environment and there is an awareness of the importance of creating a workplace that works for different people's circumstances through flexible/hybrid/part time working, thoughtful maternity/family leave policies, an accessible office, etc. It's a genuinely really friendly and helpful team.
Operations & Strategy
People of all backgrounds are welcomed
Mar 2022