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ParaSwap's mission is to make the DeFi space reach new heights by democratizing access to its deep liquidity
Decentralised exchanges like Uniswap and dYdX are the central pillars of the rapidly expanding world of blockchain-based decentralised finance. Paraswap helps thousands of these users capture value in this market.
Paraswap's popular aggregator pulls together a number of popular DEXs. By designing their technology as a middleware between various decentralized finance protocols, applications and exchanges, they are able to reduce fees and slippage for users, whilst providing visibility of market positions.
The company is now focused on expanding its team and using new resources to develop further B2B products including through partner integrations leveraging its API, SDK and smart contract.
Stakeholders in DeFi are notoriously fickle, constantly seeking out better products that may improve their chances of success. Paraswap will hope that its those characteristics that will result in mass adoption from rivals like 1inch.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
May 2021
Sep 2020
Mounir Benchemled
(CEO)Prior to founding ParaSwap, Mounir worked at BCG as a Lead Software Developer. Before that Mounir worked in Software Engineering at multiple French tech companies including a stint as CTO of data visualisation startup, Captain Dash.