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Pensight's mission is to help educators make money from their knowledge. Its platform allows users to offer instant paid video-based question & answer sessions and one-on-one meetings for their followers. Services include lessons, coaching, support, tutoring, mentorship and more.
Pensight sets out to help educators and mentors instantly start a new income stream through connecting with followers over paid video consultations.
In the UK alone, estimates for the value of the tuition industry ranged between £2-6 billion in 2020, with online tuition becoming a key player within this sector. Whilst there are many competitors offering online tutoring, Pensight sets itself apart through not limiting itself to traditional educational subjects. Followers can learn any topic, from career advice & coaching through to help with nutrition or coding.
Pensight aims to continue its growth and further its goal of empowering independent experts. Its current creators sharing knowledge via Pensight include authors, singers, musicians and investors.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2021
Total funding
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Titas Sokolovas
(CEO)Studied Engineering at Cambridge. Built new business models for FTSE 100 companies at Founders Intelligence.
Tomas Cerskus
(CTO)Studied Information and Computer Science at Cambridge and MIT. Built autonomous drones, large-scale ML-enabled IoT sensor networks. Before founding Pensight lead engineering at AmberBox (YC S16).