
Mobile application for daily prayer content

Pray logo
21-100 employees
  • B2C
  • B2B
  • Lifestyle
  • Mobile
  • Wellbeing
Downtown, Santa Monica, CA

Company mission's mission is to grow faith and cultivate community by providing an easy-to-use mobile application for the incorporation of prayer into the daily life of its users.

Top investors

4% employee growth in 12 months

Our take

There are more Christians in the world than ever before, yet daily prayer is becoming less common due to a lack of attendance of young people at churches. Whilst remote church sessions on platforms such as Zoom provide digital alternatives for people who are unable to attend churches, these meetings still do not provide the digital experiences that are needed to engage young Christians. provides a mobile application for Christians to access daily prayer content, including daily prayers, scriptures, meditations, and bedtime stories. The company partners with Christian content creators, and ultimately aims to boost engagement amongst younger Christians as an alternative to in-person church visits.

Whilst church meetings on Zoom and other online forms of Christian content do exist, has been smart to recognize the importance of this to young Christians, creating an all-in-one mobile application for engaging with their faith. In addition to partnering with content creators, the company also partners with employers to provide subscriptions to employees to boost workplace engagement and wellbeing.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Equity package
  • Full medical, dental and vision insurance
  • Open vacation policy
  • Remote working environment

Company values

  • Devotion: We believe that time is our most valuable asset and we devote our time towards helping others
  • Research: We seek the wisdom, insight, and understanding required in order to make the best decision for our mission
  • Empathy: We listen well and demonstrate the respect needed to create solidarity and inclusion across different groups
  • Application: We are people of action and we work incredibly hard to master our craft, others know this and rely on us
  • Mindset: We celebrate BIG IDEAS from everyone and we think through the first, second, and third order effects of those ideas

Funding (last 2 of 3 rounds)

Mar 2020



Mar 2018



Total funding: $34m

This company has top investors


Founder and CEO of VideoFort from 2012 to 2017. National Infrastructure Advisory Council to the President of the United States for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency since 2020.

Experience as Software Developer for Mission India from 2014 to 2016, and as Software Engineer for Tokio Marine HCC in 2016.

Private Wealth Advisor for Merrill Lynch from 2004 to 2017.

Matthew Potter


Advisory Board Member for RockSolid, LLC since 2015. Founder of HomeStack since 2012.