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To create a better world with less waste by making it easy for businesses to reuse cardboard boxes.
The UK's overall recycling rate is around 45%, yet the packaging waste recycled is more than 67%. Reuseabox was founded in 2013 to improve the packaging industry by reusing cardboard boxes on an industrial scale.
Reuseabox partners with manufacturers to divert their used cardboard boxes away from the recycling process, instead sending them onto other companies looking to pack products. This helps to reduce waste, reduce deforestation and pushes for a more circular economy.
Reuseabox has secured impressive collaborations with places like Greater Lincolnshire Productivity Programme and Lincoln University. They're clearly prioritising sustainability throughout their work and have announced a 2 Million Tree Challenge (aiming to both save a million trees and plant a million trees).
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jack Good
(Co-founder)Studied Computing at Sheffield Hallam University. Became Director of DIRECT Cardboard Boxes the year before Founding Reuseabox.