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To connect customers with incredible food and drink from London’s finest restaurants and retail partners, placing great emphasis on exceptional service and convenience for diners.
Online food delivery in the UK has grown into an impressive £4 Billion market, given a leg up by the pandemic of few years ago. The growth of this industry has been a yearly 40.55% from 2017 till 2022. Deliveries now account for £2 in every £10 spent on food service, and this growth is expected to continue. It is no surprise then, that the market is seemingly crowded.
Although there are a number of huge competitors in food delivery services in the UK, such as Deliveroo and JustEat, Supper went left from mainstream and has taken its place in a niche area of the London market - premium and Michelin Star food delivery.
The company caters to City and tech company workers and has doubled its customer base in the past few years. Supper is aiming to enhance and broaden its luxury food deliver service to more partners and customers, and reinforce its position at the premium end of the market.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Peter Georgiou
(CEO)Director of PYT Capital Ltd from 2009-2012 and Rolling Rock Capital from 2013-2014, before founding SUPPER in 2015.