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To protect clinicians, patients and organisations through game-changing medical records software.
It can be difficult to assess care at sporting events, as medical records are not typically available to hand. Injured players must leave the field and be screened by a clinician who can access and add to their paper records - or feel pressured to play on without receiving first aid at all due to the bureaucracy involved.
ScribePro has a solution : a mobile app that can transparently but securely store medical interactions digitally. This allows its users to be screened and treated by clinical staff anywhere without the need for paper records. Founded by emergency and sports medicine specialists with long experience in the NHS and the Scottish Football association, it has swiftly grown an impressive customer base including the SFA, FIFA and the Scottish Women’s Premier League.
Having attracted a sizeable investment from former Rangers player Gordon MacKay, the company is aiming to grow into international markets. It is also targeting other verticals which can benefit from its platform, starting with events where medical information is similarly hard to access for first aiders. With a steadily growing customer base and company revenue forecasted to grow sharply over the next few years, ScribePro is well poised for future success.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dec 2022
Jonny Gordon
(Co-Founder & CEO)Is also a Consultant in Emergency Medicine for the NHS and Scotland Team Doctor with the Scottish Football Association. Was previously Medical Director of Promote Medical.
Stuart Glegg
(Co-founder)Co-founded and worked as a Designer at Daysix.
Roisin McClory
(Co-Founder & Commercial Director)Also Co-Founder & Commercial Director of Promote Medical. Was a Marketing Specialist for the Department of International Trade and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI).
David Lowe
(Co-founder)Is also Joint Lead Clinical Innovation West of Scotland and Consultant in Emergency Medicine for the NHS, an Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow and Clinical Director, Scottish Health Innovation Partnership for the Scottish Government.