
File and link-sharing application

Shareup logo
1-20 employees
  • B2B
  • Data storage
  • HR
  • Internal tools
  • SaaS
  • Identity
  • Data Sharing
Mitte, Berlin, Germany

Company mission

To be *the* way people share with each other. We help teams collect, organize, and make sense of the myriad of files, links, and services they use to get their work done everyday. Sharing is currently too difficult and stressful! We are obsessed with relieving that stress and anxiety.

Our take

Shareup is improving a process that is only becoming more important in our work and personal lives: the exchange of digital assets. While companies like Dropbox and Whatsapp allow files to be exchanged, no service has built an offering that is both convenient and secure for all types of files.

The startup is looking to earn revenue by concentrating on use-cases for businesses. When hiring, a candidate and an employer will be able to use Shareup to exchange CVs, Passport details, contracts securely with a UI akin to any major social networking platform.

The startup needs to make the right technical bets to deliver a platform that will scale effectively and work across multiple use-cases.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


  • Stock options
  • Health insurance
  • 30 days of vacation


Nathan Herald


Software engineer for a number of years. Previously Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft and more recently a Principal Software Architect at GitHub.

Anthony Drendel


Previously Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft.