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Sifted's mission is to be the critical friend of Europe’s startup community, and to amplify and empower the founders, investors and startup operators driving innovation from the front.
Sifted is a media platform reporting on the world of technology and startups in Europe, backed by the Financial Times. It's known for its high-quality commentary and fresh viewpoints and is targeted at founders, investors and people working in startups across Europe. It reports on stories of big startup trends, compelling company profiles, and the everyday lessons that come from growing a business; covering early-stage businesses in tech centres like London, Paris and Berlin but also smaller hubs like Minsk, Talin and Zurich.
Sifted’s team of reporters are based across Europe, and the website has hundreds of thousands of monthly unique visitors. FT's stake in the company comes alongside a licensing agreement which ensures Sifted meets the standard of FT calibre news and analysis. The company is also backed by several British, French, German, Greek and Swedish angel investors with interests in the growing European technology sector.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Nov 2021
May 2019
John Thornhill
(Innovation Editor)Innovation editor of the Financial Times, founder and editorial lead for the FT125 forum for senior business executives. Interviews people like Bill Gates for their day job.
Caspar Woolley
(Chair)Serial entrepreneur, formerly of Hailo ($100m+ raised, acquired) and eCourier (acquired).