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To measurably accelerate humanity’s transition to renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar power, are a vital tool in the fight to combat climate change, but legacy infrastructure is inhibiting the ability for them to be employed effectively. For example, solar energy produced by panels atop multi-tenant buildings cannot be used directly by the tenants, but must be fed into the grid then brought back – discouraging many from investing in the systems. Solarize supplies a Microgrid Operating System to enable tenants to make use of a photovoltaic system on the shared building themselves, simplifying the billing of tenant electricity and providing an incentive for buildings to install solar panels.
Microgrids are small networks of electricity users with a local supply, attached to the grid but able to function independently. Usually reserved for small communities, Solarize applies them to the solar panel systems of buildings by combining a metering system with its own software. Its operating system encompasses an intuitive UI, smart automations, and monitoring, all in a single app, making microgrid management easy and effective enough to be employed by any microgrid operator.
Solarize has raised substantial funds to brings its product to market. With the ever-increasing rise in environmental awareness, the company in is a good position to lead the charge towards innovation in renewables, and have a positive effect on solar adoption.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2022
Jan 2022
Andi Weiß
(Managing Director)Former Senior Software Engineer at Mobimeo and at moovel. Co-founded ONESCRAP.
Florian Feigenbutz
(Managing Director)Former Senior Software Engineer at moovel. Co-founded mealy.
Frederik Pfisterer
(Managing Director)Also MD at CareCap Technology Ventures. Co-founded Mambu.