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Sports Interactive's mission is to continue to grow as the world's leading developer of sports management simulation games.
13% employee growth in 12 months
Sports and video games have long had an association with each other, with the FIFA franchise and NBA Jam just two of the many very popular series playable on home consoles from the early 90s onwards. But for many hardcore fans, the managerial aspect of the sport is more appealing. Football Manager, Sports Interactive's flagship title, leveraging real-life sports data to simulate the managerial experience and give gamers the opportunity to lead their favourite clubs.
This immensely popular franchise, distributed by SEGA among others, has rapidly gained in popularity and even outcompeted FIFA Manager, the franchise's managerial offering. With annual improvements to its simulation's accuracy and graphics, Football Manager is now considered to be head and shoulders ahead of any competition.
Sports Interactive is focusing on further developing its properties, including its newer and similarly well-received NHL Eastside Hockey Manager, forming partnerships with clubs and sponsors to allow real-life players and branding to appear in game. At the top of its game, Sports Interactive will continue innovating upon the genre through its focus on strategy, providing gamers with the ultimate sports management simulation experience.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Miles Jacobson
(Studio Director)Governor of East London Arts and Music since 2019. Industry Ambassador and Member of the Entertainment Fundraising Committee for War Child UK since 2006.
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