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To help businesses find the right software, fast.
25% female employees
With more B2B software products on the market than ever before, choosing the right one for a company is increasingly challenging. Stackfix is building a new type of software marketplace that helps businesses find the right product fast.
At Stackfix’s core is an AI system that automatically understands software products, and then provides personalized advice to users. Its initial focus is Sales and HR software, and Stackfix effectively acts as a product purchase advisor.
Stackfix’s target clients are companies without the in-house technical expertise to make these software purchase decisions quickly and effectively on their own. Its approach is certainly intriguing, but it remains to be seen if it can compete with larger product reviewers and platforms.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Paddy Stobbs
(Co-Founder & CEO)Previously Co-Founded Jukedeck (acquired by TikTok). Ex-Google & Cambridge University
Camin McCluskey
(CTO)Previously Co-Founder and CTO at Telescope. Was an LD16 and LD17 Cohort Member at Entrepreneur First, Software Engineer at Skyscanner and the Co-Founder of inHouse.