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To empower residents to reduce their energy consumption and give landlords the tools to provide exceptional homes.
Unlike most of its competition, Switchee is targeting large landlords, initially within the social housing sector. The company sells its hardware directly to landlords, who then give it to their residents for free. With this, Switchee also sells access to its landlord SaaS dashboard which aggregates sensory data from Switchee thermostats and presents housing management and welfare alerts. These data insights allow landlords to better understand and manage their large housing portfolios, and the communities they house, more efficiently.
Switchee's technology allows social landlords both tackle fuel poverty amongst their residents and as part of their social remit, and to provide a scalable technology solution for managing their properties. This includes something akin to an early warning system for common housing stock maintenance issues, such as mould, poor insulation, or a failing boiler.
Having formed in 2016, the company currently works with over 90 housing associations across the UK. Recently, Switchee won the “Vulnerable Customer Support” Award at the London Energy Efficiency Awards for its front line support service. The company takes in excess of 1100 calls a day, ranging from troubleshooting heating issues to helping residents understand eligibility for fuel vouchers or the Warm Homes Discount.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2024
Oct 2022
This company has top investors
Adam Fudakowski
(Executive Chairman)Manufacturing Engineering degree from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from INSEAD business school. Prior to Switchee, Adam co-founded a medical device company (where he is still a Director) and worked at the Boston Consulting Group.
Tom Robins
(CEO, not founder)Extensive experience as a CSO and a CDO with experience in business development. They're currently the Governor - Member of the Audit Committee at WM College. Initially recruited as the Chief Strategy Officer prior to being promoted to CEO at Switchee.