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To bring people closer together to better serve each other.
Founder Jad Chelawi, a former wealth management Executive Director, built TelosTouch to address his own professional pain points – the inability to fully understand client needs without constant and literal feedback. The company aims to take this burden off financial professionals, allowing them to instead focus on high-impact opportunities.
TelosTouch's client experience platform leverages data capturing to allow financial professionals to gain more insight into client needs, in turn enabling businesses to increase their quality of client engagement and customer service. By also taking on on market corrections and enhancing in-person interactions, TelosTouch appears to offer a fairly comprehensive service.
Though founded in 2017, the Canadian company took things reasonably slowly, not looking to scale rapidly without fine tuning its tech stack. However, after entering the MassChallenge Fintech accelerator in the US, it's secured partnerships with some leading financial services providers, and is looking to expand its footprint in South America and Asia, as well as in North America.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Sep 2019
This company has top investors
Jad Chehlawi
(CEO)Prior to founding TelosTouch, worked as an Executive Director at HollisWealth, Scotia Capital Inc. Before this, they served for eight years as Branch Manager and Senior Investment Advisor at Manulife Securities.