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To unleash the power of quantum tech to deliver meaningful solutions today.
Quantum technology has quickly become one of the most sought after sectors in global tech, as it becomes clear that quantum mechanics has the potential to answer universal questions. Terra Quantum is on a mission to create hybrid quantum and classic computing technologies, to share the endless possibilities of the quantum world and open access to the " language of the universe”.
Set within a fast and growing market - quantum tech is already being used in industries like energy, healthcare, and finance - Terra Quantum has attracted impressive interest and investment that enabled it to create a leading position in the market and develop new products such as its Quantum Key Distribution and “Quantum-as-a-Service”.
Whilst relatively young (Terra Quantum was founded in 2019), the company has achieved extreme growth in a short period of time. It has taken the quantum market by storm, and it will be exciting to see what it does next - especially as it continues to attract top investors and demonstrate its "'Private Equity'-readiness", accelerating towards the commercialisation of its products.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Feb 2022
Jan 2022
Markus Pflitsch
(CEO & Chairman)Entrepreneur, Investor and Quantum Physicist. Advising for the likes of Moonfare and Deutsche Beteiligungs AG. An Official Member of Forbes Technology Council. Founded QMware AG around the same time as Terra Quantum.