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To make great leaps in data science and artificial intelligence research in order to change the world for the better.
Named after the Mathematician, Computer Scientist, World War II Code Breaker, and early AI pioneer, the Alan Turing Institute was founded in 2015 as the UK's national institute for AI and data science research.
The Institute is a joint effort from some of the UK’s leading universities which brings together leading academics and industry experts, funds public projects, and conducts deep research into AI and Data Science.
As a not-for-profit organization, there’s little onus on the Institute to make money, but to make a difference by impacting policy and public engagement.
There’ll no doubt be plenty of opportunities on this front in the foreseeable future, considering that in 2021 the UK announced its first ever National AI Strategy, with a ten year target to become one of the world’s AI superpowers.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Mar 2024
Professor Sir Adrian Smith FRS
(Institute Director & Chief Executive, not founder)Previously served as Vice Chancellor of the University of London, and was Director General, Knowledge and Innovation at BIS (now BEIS). Currently serves as President of the Royal Society.