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To take part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.
25% employee growth in 12 months
Founded in 1843, the Economist is one of the best-known and well-read current affairs publications in the world, able to boast an ever-growing international circulation of around 1.5m readers. With sections ranging from US business news to the best new books & art, The Economist is a key figure within the huge journalism market.
Given its big market share, the key question for The Economist will be where it goes from here. Likely, the plan will be to carry on with business as usual. Critically, unlike many of its competitors, during the coronavirus pandemic The Economist has seen little decline in business, even as sales of paper-newspapers have declined globally. In particular, this is because the Economist has been operating a hybrid system of online and paper news for many years now, and so its core business has had relatively little to adapt to during the pandemic.
So, the key thing for The Economist will be ensuring that it keeps producing high-quality journalism into the future. In an age where the news is constantly plagued by distrust and misinformation, The Economist has a golden opportunity to set itself apart as a quality institution going forward.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Lara Salameh Boro
(CEO (Not Founder))Lara has prevoiusly been CEO at Top Right Group and Informa. They are also a Non Executive Director at RWS HOLDINGS PLC.