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The.com's mission is to create a platform where the next generation of creators can rebuild the internet.
The.com is a cell-based website builder and CMS looking to reimagine our approach to website building. Their innovation is to create a so-called “reusable web” where creators can build individual blocks that can be used and credited by others across the internet. The.com is looking to shape the future of web3, where the internet is modelled less on reading content or social interaction than it is on ownership. It is describing itself, currently, as an ‘experiment’, and inviting creators to join the platform with users signing up for the waitlist.
With the website builder/CMS market currently dominated by household names Wix, Squarespace, and GoDaddy, and a number of rapidly growing smaller contenders, competition is fierce. Moreover, the more experimental new crop of web3 website builders includes Fleek, which is free, compared to the $199 monthly subscription fee for The.com.
The.com certainly appears to be an attractive option for creators looking to monetize their work. Plus, if web3 begins to see more widespread uptake, they may begin winning over users from existing platforms. What direction their experimental progress will take remains to be seen.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Clarke McKinnon
(Co-Founder)They studied Entreneurship at Syracuse before launching their first startup, QOLD. They also founded website development agency AFJ.
Jeff McKinnon
(Co-Founder)After studying Economics at CU Boulder, they founded AFJ Venture Strategy. They are also a Producer on the TV show "Cryptos".