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Trust Keith was founded to help founders, not risk teams at BigCo's, save the time, energy, and ambiguity of managing data protection themselves.
The last thing busy founders need to deal with is complex data protection compliance laws and the possible risks of breaches. Trust Keith knows Data Compliance is often thought of as ‘boring’ and ‘unsexy'. However, the company is on a mission to change that perception.
Trust Keith enables scale ups to comply with global data regulations such as GDPR and CCPA by providing a single data protection hub, that acts as a knowledge base for all data protection needs within the company. The hub is overseen by a dedicated Keith expert who supplies support and runs tailored data compliance training within the company.
Trust Keith is currently focused on helping UK based scale ups, with customers including Student Beans, Thriva and Go Squared. Its service has allowed these companies to avoid possible fines associated with data breaches, gain world-class accreditations like ISO27001 and effortlessly pass due diligence for further investment rounds.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Rory Codrington
(CEO)Serial founder with multiple ventures spanning a range of areas including physical rewards at scale, and extreme sports community building.
Flexible working (5)
My opinions are valued (3)
Hard working team (2)
Clear values (2)
Career progression (1)
Open and honest communication (1)
Great work is recognised (1)
From onboarding through to daily stand-ups and employee reviews, the Trust Keith values are made clear and reiterated on a frequent basis - they are not just talked about in the interview stage then forgotten. The team is always encouraged to give example of how they embody the values too.
Sales & Account Management
Clear values
Jun 2022
Trust Keith is a company that understands people have lives outside work and ensures the team find a way to work that suits them best and maximises their productivity.
Sales & Account Management
Flexible working
Jun 2022
I've always felt valued at Trust Keith, if you do some great work it is always recognised. We're a very supportive team and just as our own work is recognised we always make sure others know when they've done a great job.
Sales & Account Management
Great work is recognised
Jun 2022
Yep, everyone is hard working and focused on building and growing an exceptional business with exceptional results & people. I've been in businesses before where most of the employees don't care about the work they do. More importantly than hard work, I think everyone cares about the work they contribute to this business.
Sales & Account Management
Hard working team
Jun 2022
We are a WFH-led business at the moment - this is supported by a good set of policies that allow employees to work flexibly at times that suit them best. No one is clock watching as you might get in some other old-school businesses - the focus is really on results.
Sales & Account Management
Flexible working
Jun 2022
Before working at Trust Keith, I was honestly a bit skeptical about values. I'd come from a large corporate where values where spoken about but never really believed in, or focused on by employees. At Trust Keith, Values play a huge role in the business's success and most importantly, they're actually operationalized into the business so that we think about them and action them on a day-to-day basis. For example, we assess values fit during interviews, we talk about them regularly in 1:1s & during team days, we factor them in when creating content, when running events, and even when delivering our product & service to customers. Here's a quick snapshot of what they are: https://www.trustkeith.co/about
Sales & Account Management
Clear values
Jun 2022
Everyone at Trust Keith is encouraged to share what they're working on, where they're stuck, what they need help with etc. This transparency goes from top to bottom, and ensures that everyone feels part of the journey!
Open and honest communication
Jun 2022
We're all working to make Trust Keith an exceptional business, and this means that everyone's opinion is taken on board. There's no fuss about hierarchy or anything - if you think something could be better, you're encouraged to say so, knowing that you'll 100% be listened to.
My opinions are valued
Jun 2022
We're all adults here, and we're treated like it. As a parent, there are times when I'm less available, and this simply isn't a problem at Trust Keith. Everyone is trusted to manage their own time in a way that works for them whilst still delivering exceptional value to our customers, and this small bit of trust goes a looooong way.
Flexible working
Jun 2022
Flexible working is something that Trust Keith values a lot. We have a fantastic opportunity to choose how long, where and when you work and this is supported by clear guidelines! Trust Keith creates an environment where you can have a perfect work-life balance that can improve your motivation and productivity. I can work at my most productive times of the day, such as early mornings, take longer lunch to go for a run, finish earlier (just outside of our core hours) and go to the gym, and come back to my work later in the day when I am refreshed and feel at my best productivity!
Operations & Strategy
Flexible working
May 2022
One of our values is Brave - we are willing to challenge the status quo, share an unpopular opinion, and deliver and receive honest feedback, and everyone at Trust Keith lives and breathes this value. I feel confident in giving feedback or sharing a crazy idea, knowing that everyone will listen and have a good discussion. I feel that my opinion is valued, and quite often, I can implement my idea and improve the process, knowing I am contributing to the company's growth.
Operations & Strategy
My opinions are valued
May 2022
As a growing start-up, we always face day-to-day challenges but nothing we cannot tackle. The team is hardworking and always goes above and beyond for customers and other team members. From jumping on unexpected calls or meetings, looking for new solutions to accommodate customers' needs to sending little personalised gifts to customers to put a smile on their faces.
Operations & Strategy
Hard working team
May 2022
I recently ended up needing to move house, and it's just not been a problem at all to fit in house viewings around work. Trust Keith trusts you to get your work done and manage your time, and being a remote company means you can really fit work around your life.
Flexible working
May 2022
At every stage of my time here at Trust Keith I've been encouraged for my honest and open opinions. Leadership really values feedback and ideas to make things run smoothly and improve our product for our customers, no matter where in the business you sit. Suggestions are taken seriously and acted on quickly!
My opinions are valued
May 2022
Your personal and professional growth is so important to Trust Keith - you are encouraged to grow in whatever way suits you, and they will create a plan with you so you can see how to get there. In my time here I've been able to open my options to different parts of the business, despite that not being the path I thought I wanted in the beginning
Career progression
May 2022