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To bring the Blockchain revolution to the games industry and create a fair ecosystem for the future of games distribution.
The rise of digitalization this century has come hand in hand with the rise of subscription services - why buy something when you can have ongoing access for a much cheaper monthly cost? But Ultra is embracing the resurgence of appetite for ownership, or at least digital ownership, with its blockchain-powered marketplace for games and NFTS.
Bring blockchain-powered allows for new technology and mechanics within games as well, but Ultra is very much a platform centred around the idea of owning digital assets - in multiple forms. Link your digital wallet to the platform to buy games and NFTs, and earn financial rewards for promoting games within the platform’s sharing economy as well. And once you’ve played enough, you can resell the game within the platform.
It’s made a splash, marking itself apart from major gaming platforms like Steam which are more subscription-based, and boasting partnerships with studios like Ubisoft and Sandbox. It looks set to grow as web3 culture continues to enter the mainstream.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2019
Nicolas Gilot
(Co-CEO)Prevoiusly founded Subor, Gamika, Youcall and Colorstone.
David Hanson
(Co-CEO)Previously founded Ruyi, PixelBeam, Youcall, Colorstone and Computer NetworX.