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To help every property fulfil its potential every day, by bringing professional short-term and flexible rentals to everyone.
50% female employees
UnderTheDoormat Group is an award-winning, high growth prop-tech scale-up in the short term rental sector, recognised by JP Morgan as one of the top Female Powered Businesses in the UK.
They have addressed the worldwide problem of properties being under-utilised and help property owners and partners to access and operate flexible rentals through technology and, guests to access the quality of a hotel in the comfort of a home, when it would otherwise be sitting empty. UnderTheDoormat Group provides SaaS-based B2B and B2C platforms, connecting properties and guests all over the world through a modern, integrated software stack.
The model may seem familiar with the likes of Airbnb, which is the brand people recognise in the industry, but Airbnb only fulfils one part of the value chain. UnderTheDoormat’s coordinated approach to management, sales and distribution has allowed it to successfully differentiate itself from rival companies.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Mar 2022
Oct 2019
This company has top investors
Merilee Kerr
(CEO)Chairperson of the UK Short Term Accommodation Association. Before founding UnderTheDoormat in 2014, spent 14 years with Shell in a multitude of senior roles including Global Strategy & Portfolio Manager, and Global Maintenance Manager.