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To help people navigate the ideas, issues, and context that other outlets miss.
-6% employee growth in 12 months
VICE creates and published content aimed specifically at the youth market. Founded as a magazine in 1994, the company expanded into digital media, filmmaking and broadcasting, covering subjects ranging from drugs, food, youth culture, music and more.
Although VICE faced competition from outlets such as Vox and BuzzFeed, its bold and transgressive tone allowed it to differentiate itself from its rivals. It is through this that it made a name for itself, becoming one of the market leaders.
Affected by the decline in ad revenue across the media industry, the company has had a rough few years - including a bankruptcy filing in 2023. That said, it has since made some pivotal moves to re-establish its footing and we will have to wait and see what its future holds
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2021
Jun 2017
Shane Smith
(Co-Founder & CEO)An Emmy Award-winning journalist who co-founded VICE in 1994.
Suroosh Alvi
(Co-Founder)An experienced journalist, filmmaker and producer.
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