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To be the pioneer for the future of intelligent, communication-driven work.
Across many sectors communication is the key to productivity. Having all communication in one place has been proven to be a game-changer for the efficiency of company workflows. VIER wants to be a pioneer for the future of intelligent, communication-driven work, providing simplification solutions for complex multichannel communication.
The company has a library of 12 products powered by both Artificial and Human Intelligence, ranging from customer contact interactions support to interaction analytics. VIER wants clients to be able to use its platform to rid themselves of jarring processes and therefore focus on sales.
The company was formed in 2021 from the merger of the companies 4Com, voiXen, parlamind, Lindenbaum and PRECIRE. In 2022, the software company cognesys also became part of VIER. The specialists in communication technology have combined many years of expertise and in-depth knowledge to form what is now a well-established start-up. A more recent announcement from the company is the collaboration with Plusnet, the Cologne-based telecommunications specialist is now making its Voice-over-IP technology available to the company, another exciting growth step for telecommunications solution VIER.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Olav Vier Strawe
(Founder)30 years experience in telecommunication, worked as a Publisher at Telepublic Verlag GmbH. Founded 4Com GmbH & Co.KG and Co-founded Woodfour Brewing Company, LLC.