Vault Bet

On-chain betting company

Vault Bet logo
  • B2C
  • Gaming
  • Gambling
  • SaaS
  • Blockchain
Costa Rica

Company mission

To empower players to take full control of their gambling experience and provide a transparent, secure and fair marketplace for bets.

Our take

Vaultbet is a decentralised betting exchange that acts as an alternative to bookmakers. It allows peer-to-peer betting challenges to be haggled between players, rather than through an intermediary.

The secure and transparent service takes away the opaque and often inefficient systems put in place by traditional online gambling companies. Working like a customer-led stock market, Vaultbet’s service pays out its winners through automated smart contracts and allows for privacy and anonymity between players.

A refreshing pitch in the often untrusted gambling industry, Vaultbet could be onto a winning approach. It will be interesting to see if the company can draw in a solid userbase as blockchain tech continues to become more accessible to the masses.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle