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To rapidly accelerate the growth in electric transmission capacity necessary for global decarbonisation and grid resilience.
Our extensive use of technology in everyday life has created strain on the power grid and the climate. Veir offers a solution that adds capacity to our electric grid with limited harm to the environment, by building novel superconducting power lines.
Veir’s transmission lines use High Temperature Superconductor (HTS)-based technology to reach clean energy goals, whilst simultaneously transmitting 5-10x more power than conventional power lines, that aren’t able to keep up with growing energy demands.
Energy transmission expansion is something many companies are trying to tackle, but Veir’s creation of the first overhead superconductor technology with a cooling speciality places it as a strong contender in the market. Several rounds of funding have allowed the company to develop the product to where it is today and also attract a strong customer base.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jan 2025
May 2023
Tim Heidel
(CEO)Consultant and Advisor at Breakthrough Energy. Was Deputy Chief Scientist at NRECA and Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E).