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Vira Health is on a mission to make personalised menopause care the norm, delivering immediate relief as well as reducing the long-term impact of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia.
Female health has been historically under-resourced and overlooked and the results are staggering. Women are 2 times more likely to die of a heart attack. They have a 1.7 times higher risk of having an adverse drug reaction. Across brain cancer, chronic pain, endometriosis and dementia there is evidence of misdiagnosis of women.
This is all the product of a massive data gap – there is so much we do not know about women’s health. Vira and its team are one of the few tackling this gap. The company's initial focus is on menopause and its associated treatments through a mobile app called Stella. Vira makes a compelling justification for facing menopause head-on before branching out into other fem-health spaces.
The founding team has highly relevant experience and is well-placed to tackle female health. Alongside its product, Vira has managed to grow a community and provides tips, Q&A's, and virtual events to create a holistic approach to addressing female health which its users will not find anywhere else. Although its app has only recently found footing in the UK & Ireland, Vira is now available in the US market. Now flush with 2022 funding, the company can properly establish its product in these regions.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Mar 2022
Jul 2021
This company has top investors
Andrea Berchowitz
(Co-founder)10+ year McKinsey Consultant, ex-leader of Gates Foundation in Middle East, long-time advocate for better women’s health
Rebecca Love
(Co-founder)Medical Sciences PhD (Cambridge), chronic disease expert, trained epidemiologist, worked with Mayor of London, World Health Organisation and UNICEF