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To build and deliver the best Conversational AI experiences for our customers.
Rather than replacing customer care reps, high-quality customer care AIs can decrease the number of calls that must go to a live person, meaning that reps have more time to spend with customers. Wysdom offers a suite of conversational AI design and optimization solutions to help businesses increase customer satisfaction, contain costs, and maximize revenue generation.
Wysdom learns from its interactions in support, constantly adding new questions and answers to its corpus. With the solution currently deployed with enterprise clients in the UK, Europe, and North and South America, the company is pioneering in artificial intelligence-based digital care and omnichannel support.
With recent investment, Wysdom is hiring talent in sales, marketing and technology to scale its business, and is planning to continue taking its solution to hundreds of new clients globally.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Ian Collins
(CEO)Founded 7 tech companies in the last 25 years including Clickfree, Mobile Diagnostix Inc. and Wyrex Communications Inc.
Jeff Brunet
(President)Over 25 years of experience in technology and general management. Previous Chief Technology Officer for Clickfree, and current Investor & Advisory Board Member for Spxtrm AI.
Karen Chan
(Chief Engineering Officer)Experience in multiple senior technical roles at companies including Storage Appliance Corp, Locus Systems Inc. and Bitfone.