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To simplify, normalise, and destigmatise sexual health, enabling people to live healthier, happier lives.
40% female employees
Although efforts have been made to destigmatise sexual health and STI education, the topic is still very much treated as taboo. To help combat this, Yoxly delivers at-home STI test kits and educational resources for the public, as well as STI diagnostics-as-a-service for businesses and charities.
Yoxly's at-home tests come in a variety of options from "Basic" to "Comprehensive", that test for between two and eight infections including the likes of chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and hepatitis. Its business offering covers sample collection kits, lab testing, fulfilment and dispensary, as well as a digital results portal for patients.
With its comprehensive offering and in-depth blog posts, Yoxly is sure to strike a chord with those seeking to improve their sexual health free from stigma. It will be interesting to see how the company develops, especially as it has stated the lofty ambition to make sexual self-care universally accessible.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dr Danae Maragouthakis
(Co-Founder & CEO)A Medical Doctor with a background in public health. 20 years of healthcare across four continents. Member of tBASHH. Co-founder and former Business Development Director at Scout Health.
Judson Alphin
(Co-Founder)Postgraduate degrees at St Andrews and Oxford. Leadership and Operational experience across education, marketing, design, and entertainment.