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To put the voice back at the heart of the customer experience and enhance the value of Human Capital.
Callbots are a new AI solution being championed by Zaion as an important solution for overburdened customer service teams. The technology can manage simple rote conversations that serve a similar function to using the dialpad and a recited menu - but without the chaos if things go off-script. The result is a vast reduction in call-centre manpower, substantial savings, and, in theory, all without compromising on customer service.
The in-practice efficacy of Zaion’s system received good exposure recently when it was used by the Ferrero group to help field customer complaints from a salmonella outbreak. This, in combination with being awarded France’s i-Nov award (granting the company access to government-backed support) has given Zaion a real publicity shot in the arm.
Zaion might need it. Whilst the company has netted over 2,000 worldwide customers, and manages over a million conversations each month, companies like MindTitan, Sitel, and Orange Business Services are all developing their own AI callbot solutions in direct competition. Zaion’s exclusive focus on callbots may allow them to accelerate their research into AI conversations and natural language, but they will need to move fast.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jan 2025
May 2021
Franz Fodéré
(Founder & President)Previously also founded Miage Conseil and Aeko.