
Supporting SMEs to measure and reduce their carbon footprint

ZeroBees logo
1-20 employees
  • B2B
  • Sustainability
  • SaaS
  • Social Impact
  • Environmental
London, UK

Company mission

Make it easier for SMEs to achieve net zero, and to realise the business benefits of being a net zero pioneer.

Our take

The UK has set some of the most ambitious climate targets in the world. For example, in April 2021, the UK government passed laws requiring a reduction of emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. Small and medium-sized enterprises ('SMEs') will be crucial in realising these targets. Making up 99.9% of all UK businesses, they produce around 50% of the UK business sector's emissions. However, a recent poll of 1200 SMEs has revealed that 76% have no decarbonisation strategy of any kind, with only 3% having measured their carbon footprint in the last 5 years. If SMEs are going to play their part in achieving our climate goals, this needs to change.

ZeroBees wants to change this, they use data and technology to enable SMEs measure and reduct their carbon footprint. Using this to create suggestions about how individual businesses can reduct their impact, ZeroBees is looking to become a strong part of the growing pro-climate social movement.

The business advantages are clear: studies have suggested that UK SMEs could collectively save nearly £400 million per year in energy costs if they reduce their carbon footprints. The key focus for ZeroBees at the moment, then, must be to build partnerships with SMEs as fast as possible, getting more businesses on board and building momentum in this hugely important sector.

Freddie headshot


Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle


Toby Radcliffe


Toby holds a first class masters degree from Cambridge in Ecology, an MSc in Financial Economics from SOAS and an MProf in Leadership for Sustainable Development from Forum for the Future. An ex-pro triathlete, they have worked across a range of sectors including rail, energy, commodities, tech and childcare.