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To provide shoppers with great choices, great prices, and the freedom to shop safely and securely wherever they are.
Driven by the accelerating shift towards online shopping, Fruugo’s global marketplace platform is offered in more than 40 countries and 30 currencies, enabling small and medium-sized retailers, as well as international brands, to market themselves on a global scale.
The company’s fast-growing, asset-light, and scalable propriety technology platform saw total transaction volumes on its platform more than double in 2022, powering 7 million sales for over 3,000 retailers (the vast majority of which were cross-currency).
After scrapping past plans to go public, the company is now working with bankers from Panmure Gordon as it revives its plans to go ahead with an IPO in the near future. Fruugo’s diverse retailer base, extensive product catalogue, impending IPO, and wide geographical reach have it well set to further its position as a leading global eCommerce platform.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dominic Allonby
(Executive Chairman)Former CFO of Fruugo.com (UK). Holds an MSc in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
Darren Naylor
(Director)Former CFO of Fruugo.com (Finland & UK). Previous Finance Director of Directory Technologies Limited, Director of eDirectory, and Group Financial Controller at Colony Gift Corporation.