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To restore and conserve our precious ecosystems.
Amidst the heightening climate crisis, it's imperative that we prioritise sustainability and strive towards achieving Net Zero. GoodCarbon specialises in facilitating carbon compensation through its digital investment and trading platform.
The company focuses on providing high-quality carbon credits from "nature-based solutions" to companies, enabling them to fulfil their emissions reduction strategies. Its approach integrates science-based quality assessment and collaboration with leading corporations like Deutsche Telekom and Melitta, making a conscious decision to not allow greenwashing companies into its marketplace.
With a new influx of funding, the company aims to expand its nature analytics, strengthen its team, and introduce more superior carbon offsetting projects to the market. The investment underscores the company's potential to lead in the sustainability space and make a meaningful impact on the environment.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dec 2024
Apr 2024
Jerome Cochet
(Managing Director)Previously worked as SVP of Advertising and MD/SVP of Sales and Marketing for Zalando. Also a Member Of The Supervisory Board for Shop Apotheke.
David Diallo
(Managing Director)Serial entrepreneur, who also Founded/Co-founded goodimpact.com, GoodJobs, myphotobook.de and epubli.de.