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Operations1 is on a mission to empower every worker around the world to accomplish more and skill up.
Operations1 is offered by German startup cioplenu to digitise a range of shop floor processes such as work instructions and checklists, and to help guide maintenance, quality inspection, audits, manufacturing and assembly operations.
Simply put, Operations1’s purpose is to replace paper on the production floor, thus increasing productivity. Founded back in 2014, the company got something of a headstart on the competition, as there’s now quite a significant number of SaaS solutions for “deskless” workers.
Among Operations1’s users are a raft of major companies in the engineering and manufacturing sectors including Bosch, Sandvik, Thyssenkrupp, and Stabilo. The startup is showing no signs of easing up either, with its latest funding round fuelling an international expansion as well as further product development.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Dec 2021
Feb 2020
Benjamin Brockmann
(CEO)Former KPMG Financial & IT Consultant. Worked in Strategy, Innovation and Technology for Arthur D. Little before becoming a Research Assistant in Industrial Software Engineering at the Fraunhofer Society.