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To provide unique opportunities to support responsible investing and take ownership of sustainability efforts.
Due to problems posed by climate change, the financial system is beginning to turn its focus to sustainability. Yet, a lack of data availability and greenwashing practices are complicating this transition.
Believing money should positively impact the planet, Belgian startup Wequity is developing AI-powered ESG insights that benefit asset managers, non-governmental organisations and companies alike. The company's solutions provide customers with the ability to identify ESG risks, perform effective due diligence, as well as identify adverse impacts on ESG indicators.
Founded in 2021, Wequity has already secured funding from investors such as Piet Colruyt (Impact House Founder), and BenoƮt De Bruyn (Newtree Founder). Using this capital, the company hopes to push the limits of its technology to better support financial players' transition of their ESG commitments.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2023
Jun 2022
Total funding
Gabriel Levie
(Co-Founder)Gradated from university with a Masters in Economics.
Franck-Victor Laurant
(Co-Founder)Previously the Co-Founder and President of CIVIX, a mobile app for the 2019 Belgian elections.