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To create a future where every minute counts.
-20% employee growth in 12 months
Goodtime provides a software package that makes it easier for companies to schedule interviews. The platform uses algorithms to sync up availability between a business and the ideal candidates. This is intended to ensure that companies can schedule interviews effectively, while also improving the level of dialogue that they experience with candidates.
In short, Goodtime reduces the administrative burden involved with hiring. The automation of the interview process is integrated directly with applicant tracking systems, leading to a joined-up and efficient solution, and the company also maintains a live database of applicant data, enabling companies to schedule interviews faster than was previously possible.
Goodtime is just one of many solutions available in this area, with rivals including Calendly, YouCanBook, ADP Workforce Now and Doodle, but the business stands out from the competition by delivering a bespoke package, with full customization of requirements and pricing. An interesting development for the company is a first-of-its-kind integration with Uber for Business in 2023, letting users utilise vouchers for rides and meals for use by their prospective hires directly within interview invites.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2021
Oct 2018
Ahryun Moon
(CEO & Co-Founder)Business Administration Graduate of the University of Texas. Previously a Financial Analyst at Freescale Semiconductor and co-founder at Etch Keyboard, before founding GoodTime in 2016.
Peter Lee
(CTO & Co-Founder)Electrical Engineering Graduate of UC Berkeley. Previously a Software Developer at Guidebook and co-founder at Etch Mobile, before co-founding GoodTime in 2016.
Sales & Account Management