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To build a safer, stronger, and sustainable future through smart risk management.
0% employee growth in 12 months
Organizations in all sectors face changing and increasingly complex regulations. Compliance failures can lead not only to fines and sanctions, but reputational damage that can ruin years’ worth of careful brand building in minutes. Meeting this challenge requires establishing compliance metrics that are documented and auditable across functions, which is what NAVEX was founded to do.
The company consists of an integrated platform of GRC management software that provides businesses with the tools to navigate emerging risks, including those arising from ethical lapses and other bad behaviors which expose organizations to legal, operational, and reputational harm. It has the power to gain organizational insight, increase operational efficiencies, and make informed decisions with confidence. Its solutions are deployed by over ten thousand customers on all corners of the globe, and including over 90 of the Fortune 100.
NAVEX is in a strong financial position to expand its capabilities; its main priority for the following period is developing new software to solve current business challenges. As part of this initiative, it has recently launched a tool that automates and simplifies ESG Reporting, which has become essential for companies aiming to attract top employees and investors. Its growing presence in Europe led to the opening of a London office and Frankfurt data facility in 2023.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Bob Conlin
(Executive Chairman)Previously Chief Marketing Officer at Centive for 7 years and Senior Vice President, Marketing & Business Development at Accero Inc. for 2 years.