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To harness cutting-edge technology to build the digital framework for the future of eyecare.
Healthcare management software is projected to grow to a value of over $25 billion by 2030, indicating exponential growth in the sector and a myriad of competitors in the space. However, Ocuco has cornered the market for eyecare software through products including "Acuitas" and "Innovations".
Acuitas is software designed for independent opticians and chain stores, providing a streamlining process for top-tier patient care management as well as omnichannel sales and marketing tools. Innovations is a Lab Management System designed to optimise processes in lens manufacturing, calculations, inventory, and the many actions involved in designing a pair of glasses. Together, these two products serve thousands of global sites and labs.
Founded in 1993, Ocuco has kept up with technological innovations over the decade. The company is still going strong in the face of an accelerating healthcare management system industry, having been awarded $60 million in growth equity in 2023 that is cited to boost “global momentum”.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Aug 2023
Leo Mac Canna
(CEO)Previously worked as an Analyst at Credit Suisse and Ricoh Company Ltd.
Software Engineering
Finance, Legal & Compliance