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To make smart and sustainable electricity consumption accessible to everyone and drive forward the expansion of renewable energy to combat climate change.
To support the transition to renewable energy, Rabot Charge supplies AI-powered dynamic tariffs that enable consumers to use electricity when it is its cheapest. This is more environmentally friendly because it also corresponds to when more solar and wind power is available.
The company enables this because it buys electricity at short notice via the day-ahead and intraday energy markets, allowing it to make use of hourly price fluctuations. Rabot's customer can power large appliances or charge their electric vehicles when prices are at their lowest, thus saving them money on their energy bill. This also means that more households can access renewable power without major changes to their energy usage habits.
Although it is not the only company delivering dynamic pricing for electricity, Rabot Charge has seen consistent investment over the years which suggests it is doing something right. The latest influx will support the further development of its algorithm to enhance its ability to find the best prices.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jan 2024
Apr 2023
Jan Rabe
(CEO)Also Co-Founder of Wechselpilot, and Co-Founder and Managing Director of Rabot Energy. Former Senior Portfolio Manager for Kom-Solution, and Energy Trading Analyst at BKW FMB Energie.