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To be the world's most effective partner in the advancement of individualized health.
40% employee growth in 12 months
Mobile health-tracking apps have become popular over the last decade, but existing platforms often provide uniform services as opposed to personalizing each user's experience. In addition to this, incentives to regularly use an app are generally focused on mobile notifications and manual tracking systems, features that require manual data entry and are easy to ignore.
Well provides a digital health platform that leverages member health data to provide users with a personalized and all-in-one platform for improving their health. Instead of relying on notifications and uniform systems, member data is used to deliver daily health recommendations from AI clinicians, loyalty rewards, and direct support tools.
With many apps on the market for different health points, the digital health tracking landscape is very saturated, yet Well is taking a unified approach to providing personalized and authentic experiences for users. The platform aims to provide guidance that is actionable and engaging, as opposed to just another mobile app that is used on an occasional health kick.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Apr 2022
Dec 2021
This company has top investors
Gary Loveman
(Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO)They started their career as an HBS professor following an Economics Ph.D. at MIT. They worked as EVP of Aetna in Consumer Health Services and as CEO of Caesar's Entertainment Company, before co-founding Well with David.