Gaining insights from the analysis of large quantities of financial data is essential for investment managers to create value within their equity portfolios, but there is only so much data that teams of humans can analyse. Robo-advisor investment tools leverage AI to boost scope and advise smart investment moves, but current solutions generally exist for individual investors as opposed to retail investment managers. provides an AI-driven investment platform for retail investment managers, leveraging machine learning algorithms to learn an investor's expertise, model it, and provide investment decisions to enhance portfolio outcomes. Portfolios are ranked based on the user's goals, Sharpe ratios, and risk assessment , and are analysed through the human-interrupted AI system without requiring any coding, data science, engineering, or specialised hardware.
Whilst the concept of AI-assistance in investment is nothing new, has taken a unique stance by encouraging the human-interrupted use of its tools specifically by retail investment managers. Furthermore, the company is aiming to increase the availability and accessibility of such software by taking a no-code and data-free approach.
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