Royalty free stock images
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Royalty free stock images
1001+ employees
Job no longer available
1001+ employees
To move the world through our images, videos, and illustrations which seek to inform, drive debate, entertain, inspire, and challenge historic biases.
Getty Images is the most trusted and esteemed source of visual content in the world, with hundreds of millions assets available through its brands. The company serves creative, business and media customers, regardless of size, in almost 200 countries.
Operating the most comprehensive digital archive in the world, the company works with contributors and content partners to cover more than 160,000 news, sport and entertainment events each year. Part of its success is its maintenance of long-standing partnerships with premium brands including the BBC, Sony Pictures, Dove, and NASCAR.
Already an extremely established presence, Getty Images is set to remain a market leader as it furthers the reach of its subscription-based model across the globe. It continues to bolster its archives, for example with the acquisition of Motorsport Images, and is also set to play a key role in the development of the AI imagery sector.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
3% employee growth in 12 months
Seattle Chinatown-International District, Seattle, WA
Craig Peters
(CEO, not founder)Former SVP (Business Development, Content & Product) and VP (Footage, Music, & Multimedia) at Getty Images. Former Board Member at both Daylife and Previous SVP at MediaVast, VP (Business Development) at Fox Interactive Media, and Director (New Media & Strategic Development) at PGA Tour.
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