The internet has made traveling extremely easy in comparison to the past, with information on most public transport methods and routes being available online. Despite this abundance of information, complex trips often require research and fare comparison across many different websites, a process that calls for a more integrated solution.
Omio provides a universal travel comparison tool for trains, buses, flights, ferries, and airport transfers across over 1,000 worldwide travel partners. Whilst there are many existing comparison platforms for specific transport methods such as Skyscanner for flights and TheTrainLine for buses, Omio has taken a unique approach by providing information on all major public transport methods within an integrated app. Furthermore, the company’s inspiration magazine The Window Seat and mobile application contribute towards an end-to-end travel assistant that stands out from competitors.
In 2024, the company raised debt funding to revive temporarily put-on hold global expansion activities, including through strategic mergers and acquisitions. While it has re-approached earlier expansion plans, the company is doing so with greater discipline, with plans to expand into Southeast Asia in 2025.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle