Getting a permit to develop a property can be a painfully long process, regardless of whether it is a small extension or a completely new build. Archaic communication workflows make the process unnecessarily slow, and a lack of a transparent permitting system often leaves developers in the dark regarding the permitting progress for months.
Pulley provides construction permitting software for property developers and homeowners, allowing them to plan, apply for a permit, submit it to city reviewers, and track progress within the same platform. The platform allows users to search an address to understand the exact permits required, with every project member having access to a progress timeline to maintain transparency and solidify deadlines.
Whilst the company will face challenges due to the conservative nature of paperwork-based construction permits, Pulley shows great potential to overcome them by focussing on making the job easier for everyone. Through this approach, the company aims to reduce permitting time, make jobs more efficient for city reviewers, and provide new opportunities for permit providers.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle