+ Equity
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AI-text identification platform
Open for applications
AI-text identification platform
21-100 employees
Open for applications
+ Equity
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21-100 employees
To restore information quality and transparency on the internet.
Since generative AI exploded onto the scene, it has been put to good use across a range of industries. Unfortunately, it has also been used to ramp up the production of subpar content which is misleading or completely incorrect. Not to mention it has helped proliferate academic fraud.
GPTZero is on a mission to help combat this AI epidemic, with a platform capable of identifying content written by AI tools such as ChatGPT. Its solutions can help teachers, students, writers, recruiters and more to build back the trust that has been broken by easy-to-access gen-AI.
The company's mission is certainly compelling, and investors agree, with GPTZero receiving impressive funding already. It will use the funds to support its roadmap which includes the development and launch of many new features such as an editor platform that records and cites AI usage.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Few candidates hear
back within 2 weeks
Jun 2024
May 2023
Civic Center, New York, NY
Edward Tian
(CEO)Worked at the Princeton NLP Lab and was an Investigative Journalist at BBC Africa Eye. Also, they were a Contributing Writer for Bellingcat and Head of Data at
Alex Cui
(CTO)Was a Research Scientist at Waabi. Has interned in Machine Learning at Uber, Facebook and Kuna Systems. Also interned at Builders VC, and co-founded Open Mind Press and Whimmly.
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