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To massively accelerate the development of all next-generation hardware globally - from fusion to rockets.
25% female employees
Engineering today is slow. Engineers waste time plugging equations into spreadsheets, rebuilding CAD models that break, and setting up simulations to test similar things over and over again - and this issue only gets worse as complexity is added. What Flow has done is rebuild the foundational tools that are used. The company developed powerful systems that automate the repetitive execution work, letting the computer do the heavy lifting.
Flow's product constitutes a single medium incorporating all the different tools that are needed to design, instead of engineers being forced to use unconnected and fragmented models. The idea is that the tools amplify and magnify engineers' creative abilities, instead of getting in the way.
Furthermore, Flow's product allows for easy collaboration and editing. Changes propagate throughout the entire system instantly, automatically rebuilding models, making the work for the engineers both more efficient and more effective.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Pari Singh
(Founder & CEO)Worked as the Chief Engineer and Project Lead at the Hybrid Rocket Engine Design at Imperial College. Featured in the 2019 Forbes 30 under 30 list.
Ario joined as Tech Lead and within a year, was promoted to their current role as Head of Engineering.
Arran joined as a Back End Software Engineer, they have grown with the company and were recently promoted to Senior Software Engineer.
Nav Jass (Executive Assistant)
Intelligent people (2)
Inspiring mission (2)
Challenging work (1)
My opinions are valued (1)
Open and honest communication (1)
Team energy (1)
Innovative product (1)
The Flow team is a fantastic mix of domain experts, including people who have spent decades facing the very problem our product aims to solve. Somebody is always available to lend an intelligent second eye to any problem.
Operations & Strategy
Intelligent people
Jul 2022
Flow has a very flat structure, meaning communication and support flow freely across the organisation. Everyone is driven by the company vision, which means everyone is open and honest about where we can do better and where we are succeeding. Our current size allows every single employee to join our weekly retro together, from interns all the way up to the CEO.
Operations & Strategy
Open and honest communication
Jul 2022
Flow has the potential to be both a generation and industry-defining company. Physical engineering exists all around us and influences every experience we have as humans. Flow will be the biggest impact on this industry since Computer Aided Design (CAD) replaced hand-produced part drawings.
Operations & Strategy
Innovative product
Jul 2022
There cannot be many companies where the majority of people that work there joined purely because of the mission. We are one of these few. Many of the challenges that society will face over the coming years will require a hardware solution and we are here to make a huge splash and give engineers the superpowers to tackle them!
Inspiring mission
Apr 2022
Our mission big and the path to get there is excitingly unknown. I love that every aspect of what we do is exceedingly challenging but that we have the freedom to try out new ideas in every aspect of what we do, from design and code to go-to-market and sales.
Challenging work
Apr 2022
I have never worked with a more passionate and talented team in all of their respective areas that simultaneously manage to be humble, kind and collaborative. We have a huge variety of backgrounds on our team which bring tremendous strength and depth of knowledge.
Intelligent people
Apr 2022
The mission to revolutionise how engineering is done is incredibly ambitious but also very important if we as people are going to continue to innovate and fix humanities most pressing issues.
Software Engineering
Inspiring mission
Apr 2022
The team are all so incredibly passionate about the mission but also extremely talented and lovely to work with. There is never dull moment and it is a delight to spend time with them all, even outside a work context.
Software Engineering
Team energy
Apr 2022
Every team member respects and trusts the experience and knowledge each other have. Everyone has a voice at team meetings and suggestions and concerns never fall on deaf ears. The company as a whole is very keen to ensure each and every person is able to contribute.
Software Engineering
My opinions are valued
Apr 2022
Software Engineering
People, HR, Recruitment