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To supercharge brand membership and loyalty programs through NFTs.
Loyalty programs and memberships have long been used by companies to increase customer engagement. However, traditional ways of running these programs have quickly become outdated due to technological innovations, resulting in companies needing to do more to keep up engagement, particularly with younger customers.
Hang provides NFT-based brand membership and loyalty systems to companies, allowing them to provide customers with perks, rewards and experiences that are validated through the proof of an NFT. The company facilitates this through a no-code NFT contract building service that allows companies to link loyalty systems and automate art generation to the NFT memberships.
Whilst NFTs are being used by many companies for investment, gaming and other purposes, Hang has identified a unique angle by applying it to loyalty memberships. Furthermore, the company’s no-code approach allows companies to benefit from the perks that NFTs present without having to hire expensive bespoke blockchain engineers.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 2022
Matt Smolin
(Co-Founder & CEO)Experience as Private Equity and Venture Capital Research Analyst for Hall Capital Partners from 2015 to 2017. Co-Founder and CEO of Headliner from 2017 to 2021.
Sam Smolin
(Co-Founder)Experience working on Partnerships, Experience and Production for Headliner from 2020 to 2022.
Software Engineering
Operations & Strategy