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To create the most trusted recruitment experience in the world.
In an industry dominated by traditional recruiting agencies, Workfully looks to stand out by supplying a decentralized recruitment and upskilling marketplace. The idea is to enable recruiters to act as their own agency, tailoring the recruitment process so that they can attract, hire, train and coach the talent they specifically need.
Workfully provides two products, "Hiring" and "HireSkilling". The Hiring service depends upon the company's network of Talent Partners, and can be deployed in-house or externally, or clients can opt for the "Executive" version designed to help bolster their C-suite. HireSkilling, meanwhile, allows users to seamlessly hire and upskill talent in one program, essentially creating the talent they need and may have been struggling to source.
Having secured a promising seed round in 2023, Workfully is looking to both expand its team and grow its product offering. With the recruiting service industry worth around $700 billion, and ripe for innovation, there is certainly an opportunity for the company to find success.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Oct 2023
Stefano Tacconi
(Co-founder)Former Sales Insights Analyst (EMEA) at Autodesk, Account Manager at Google, and Sales Coordinator (Italy) at EF Education First.
Valerio Rossi
(CEO & Co-founder)Former Global Talent Acquisition Manager at Atlas and ALEA. Previous IT Recruitment Consultant at Spring Spain and Senior Technical Recruiter (EMEA) at Amaris.
Software Engineering
Sales & Account Management