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To create a technology that upends digital marketing in the automotive industry.
42% employee growth in 12 months
Automotive dealerships have been a fixture in the US for over a hundred years, operating with a relatively unchanged model for most of that time. But with post-pandemic consumer attitudes remaining strongly at a preference for online and remote services, dealerships need to change the way they sell cars and adopt the digital tools to do so. Fullpath, formerly AutoLeadStar, provides a customer data and experience platform for the automotive industry, to automate outdated systems and implement AI in decision making for dealerships.
Fullpath was founded in 2016, to combat the technologically thin “faux digital” operations in dealerships, by building an advanced digital platform that mimics how dealers market and sell in real life. Its AI-powered automation technology enables personalized marketing, digital commerce, and consumer engagement, informing and executing intelligent decisions for the industry. With strong evidence that digital capabilities correspond to increased car sales, Fullpath is in good standing to reap the benefits of fulfilling dealerships’ digital transformation needs.
Fullpath has raised considerable investment which is cited to go towards technology and product development, hiring talent, and building up its customer support infrastructure to support the industry in digital transformation. The company’s software is already used by roughly 1000 dealerships across the US and Canada.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Nov 2022
Apr 2020
Aharon Horwitz
(CEO & Co-Founder)Also CEO of 40Nuggets. Founder and former Co-Director of PresenTense Group.
Yishai Goldstein
(CTO & Co-Founder)Former CTO of 40Nuggets.
Eliav Moshe
(CPO & Co-Founder)Co-Founder and former Chief of Product at 40Nuggets.