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To help unleash the human potential, by inspiring individuals to learn amazing new skills.
MasterClass is a streaming platform that offers its members the chance to learn skills and theory directly from the best in the business, all with celebrity status. For example, learning to cook with Gordon Ramsay, mastering tennis techniques with Serena Williams, and perfecting songwriting with Alicia Keys.
The streaming platform provides more than 100 classes across nine categories including sport, wellness, music, food, and business. Each class is made up of around 20 short video lessons, accompanied by a workbook and a members’ community.
With a $2.5 billion valuation and no shortage of funding, MasterClass is seen as a leader in the edtech market and differentiates itself from fierce competitors Udacity and Udemy by blurring the line between education and entertainment.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
May 2021
May 2020
Total funding
This company has top investors
David Rogier
(Founder & CEO)Having studied at Washington University, they worked in Strategy and Operations at Tesco for 3 years before taking an MBA at Stanford. They used this experience to found MasterClass.
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