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To improve the online booking experience, grow direct bookings and strengthen the relationships between hotel brands and their guests.
-16% employee growth in 12 months
Advanced online players in hospitality win additional customers by offering online consumers the kind of personalised, clean, intuitive experience they’ve come to expect. Hotels with a less finely tuned digital presence lose out, and it’s a shortfall The Hotels Network (THN) is looking to address. THN provides a full-stack platform for hotel growth, including analytics, benchmarking, and a predictive algorithm that automatically carries out website personalisation for visitors.
It’s a neat offering, and likely to prove a vital one for hotels who need to keep pace with changing consumer preferences. For example, the majority of online shoppers report personalisation to substantially increase the likelihood of them becoming repeat customers. This is something high-end chains like Hilton and Marriott have the resources to reflect - THN’s platform gives smaller outfits the chance to compete.
THN reports a 20,000+ strong client network for its services, and trends suggest this number should only grow. With over 80% of people reportedly preferring to browse and book their travel accommodations online, hotels need to keep their digital presence sharp and in tune with current eCommerce consumer trends.
Company Specialist at Welcome to the Jungle
Jun 2020
Apr 2018
Juanjo Rodriguez
(Co-Founder)Previously CEO of Expertia Solutions, who went on to co-found family travel network Knok. Is also a long-standing owner at Duplex Marketing, and has worked as a mentor for Startupbootcamp.
Laura Martinez Celada
(Co-Founder & VP of Clients & Growth)Previously a Product Manager at Storck Ibérica, before moving on to work as an Account Director and Owner at Duplex Marketing. Co-founded Knok prior to The Hotels Network.
Marc Rollan
(Co-Founder & Engineering Manager)Has extensive experience in gaming, having hosted and co-directed the Game Over podcast; worked on and edited Gamers Ocupados and 3dJuegos.com; and worked as an Editor at Games Tribune Magazine - a position held alongside work at The Hotels Network.